Who I am in a nutshell

Who I am in a nutshell

I graduated with highest honors in History of Ancient Italian States from Milan State University under the guidance of Claudio Donati. Among my publications, a multi-volume history of Livigno, a town on Italian Alps. I have signed many articles in various journals (from the Bollettino della Società storica Valtellinese to the Archivio della Diocesi di Como). Reviews and articles under my signature appeared in several weekly and monthly magazines in the province of Sondrio.

Since 2016 I founded the publishing house called "Edizioni del Mosaico," which edits in particular art and poetry books.

I collaborate with private firms and public agencies by supporting with documentary research the work of restoration and consolidation of historic buildings.

My other areas of interest include family memoirs, the history of the Alpine states (Switzerland, Graubünden, Valtellina, Tyrol), the history of the economy of Alpine areas, and various aspects of social history (in particular, the study of pre-twentieth-century migratory phenomena).


Things I am working on

This is what I am dealing with, or have been dealing with recently: